A guide to eating less meat and dairy

Whether you’re a dedicated vegan or a meatless Monday advocate, picking up more plants in your diet is beneficial for both our health and the planet!

We know making the switch can sometimes sound all lentils and leaves, so we’ve pulled together some plant-based tips that can help you get started. Veganuary might only last for one month of the year, but vegan and vegetarian switches can be made at any time…

Plant the seed  

What we eat is so personal to our culture and health. We’re not asking you to scrap the Sunday dinner that gets the family together, or to swap that milkshake for a green smoothie. To move towards eating less meat and dairy, you should decide how and where you want to make changes. Plant the seed for your plant-based eating!  That can look like swapping to a plant milk or opting for chickpeas instead of meat in your next curry or if even those are too far, using meat-substitutes in your next meaty meal! Richmond has been making sausages for over 130 years so you can trust them to provide a tasty meat-free alternative! If you’re overwhelmed by the number of vegan alternatives check out this guide here. 

 Start at the root

If the vegetarian seed is already in your habits and you’re looking for even more switches, think of some vegan favourites that you might buy and try to make them at home. Whether it’s the falafel you order after a night out or the lentil dahl from your local curry-house, learning how to cook with common plant-based ingredients will open a world full of recipes to you! Quite literally – check out these vegan recipes from around the world by Eluxe Magazine. 

Grow the shoot 

Once you’ve started cooking your own plant-based meals, if you really want to commit to the bit, it’s time to see if you can create some of your meat and dairy favourites the plant-based way. You can experiment with different fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, while exploring more exotic cuisines and recipes that can help to spice up your mealtimes. A vegan mac and cheese or lentil bolognese may sound like they wouldn’t quite be the same but if you’re already cooking up plant-based meals in your kitchen – avoiding meat and dairy is the ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth so why not give it a go! 

Plan for the season aka meal prep!  

Planning your meals in advance can help you to make healthier food choices, reduce food waste, save money and time! Create a weekly meal plan, experiment with new recipes, and make a shopping list to stock up on plant-based staples and if that sounds like a lot of work it’s all been done for you here. 

If you’re a seasoned vegan or have made some savvy meat or dairy swaps recently, feel free to email us any tips and tricks!


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