Our Carbon Footprints: Measuring Emissions Across Manchester

We’re developing local carbon footprints for every ward in Manchester!

A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released by an activity, individual, product or place and can be used to help us understand the impact that we’re having on our city and the planet.

Carbon emissions are changing the world around us by causing global warming. There are lots of activities which release carbon into the atmosphere, and we will all have a personal carbon footprint which reflects our individual lifestyle and choices, from the food we eat, to the things we buy and throw away.

Whilst we can’t measure all of this for a particular area, the carbon released when we use energy in our homes and for travel can be used to calculate our place-based emissions and help us identify where our individual actions can make the biggest difference. This could be for a whole country, a city (read Manchester’s latest emissions reports) or, as we have done here, for individual wards.

Our local carbon footprints look at the most up-to-date energy use and transport-related emissions for each ward in Manchester and have been provided as an annual average per person to account for differences in ward populations and sizes.

Don’t see yours yet? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ll be uploading carbon footprints as they become available so keep checking back here for further updates. In the meantime, why not take a look at how other wards across Manchester are performing?

Curious to know more?  

Information on how the carbon footprints have been calculated and where the data comes from can be accessed via the Manchester Climate Change Agency website.

Inspired to take action? Check out our resource hub for tips to help you reduce your own carbon footprint.