Welcome to our Community Toolbox

We’ve been coaching people and facilitating groups in their community climate action, and we’ve heard that caring for ourselves and for our community group or engaging more people in our community work can often take a back seat.

So we created the In Our Nature Community Toolbox to help!

Research shows that there are so many benefits to volunteering - for ourselves and beyond. Sometimes though, especially when we’re dealing with tricky issues like climate change, we can feel stuck or unsure, or our group might not be having the impact we dream of.

Being able to navigate challenges along the way can help us keep active - maybe you want to get started, stay motivated and work better with others. The In Our Nature Community Toolbox is here to help keep your community action on track so you can focus on caring for our climate.

The In Our Nature Community Toolbox is a collection of activities that you can start using today. There are Tools to use with your group, Tools for using with your community and some Tools for your own well-being along the way. Click through to explore…

Amity has created and curated this Toolbox for In Our Nature. The In Our Nature Community  Toolbox includes methods created by Amity, with inspiration from various sources. You can find credit details in each tool.

Drop us a line with any queries about using the tools.

Over time we’ll be growing the Toolbox - come back later for more.